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Abstract Background

Bilbao 2022

Anchor 1

Artificial Inteligence (AI): a friend not an enemy to clinicians

Bilbao, Spain (Colegio de Medicos de Bizkaia)
Sala Areilza - 6ª Planta

February 19, 2022

In-person & Online


Professor Mihaela van der Schaar

University of Cambridge

​Prof Mihaela van der Schaar is John Humphrey Plummer Professor of Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Medicine at the University of Cambridge, where she leads the van der Schaar lab. She is also the founder and director of the Cambridge Centre of AI in Medicine (CCAIM), and a Turing Faculty Fellow at The Alan Turing Institute. Mihaela has received numerous awards for her work in research and her career.  Her current research is centered around machine learning for healthcare, but Mihaela’s previous work is exceptionally diverse and impactful.


Dr Manuel Desco Menéndez


Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañon

Manuel Desco, engineer and clinician, reached the degrees of MD, MSEng and PhD, and is a specialist in Nuclear Medicine. He is professor of Radiology in the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Head of Service of the Experimental Medicine Dept. of the Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón in Madrid. He has worked as a medical practitioner, entrepreneur and researcher in Biomedical Engineering. He has supervised 23 PhD Theses, published more than 600 scientific contributions, and has participated in more than 100 research projects and excellence networks. He is co-author of more than 20 patents/software registers.

Javier de Oca Catalan

IOMED Medical Solutions

Javier de Oca is the co-founder and CEO at IOMED Medical Solutions, a healthcare startup focused on clinical data extraction, structuring and management. He has an extensive career in Business, mainly in the international arena and with a strong focus on African Markets. He has worked in several top-level Spanish brands before jumping into the international scene, from which he learned the essentials of Business Development that encouraged him to step into entrepreneurship by founding, with two peers, his own  company, IOMED Medical Solutions.


Dr Jesús M Cortes Diaz

Ikerbasque, Biocruces Bizkaia HRI

Dr Jesús M Cortes is a physicist, computer scientist and neuroscientist who has over 20 years of interdisciplinary experience in data science, neuroscience and research. He is also a Full Professor at Ikerbasque, the head and founder of the Computational Neuroimaging Laboratory of the Biocruces-Bizkaia Health Research Institute and a professor at the University of the Basque Country. He is also involved in science communication, having published over 100 papers and given more than 85 talks at the international level. 

Dr Vanessa Gómez Verdejo

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid



Dr Vanessa Gómez-Verdejo is currently Associate Professor in the Department of Signal Theory and Communications, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and is the Director of the Master in Information in Health Engineering. Her research was focused on Machine Learning, including the development of new techniques and their application in signal and data processing. The results of this research have led to more than 40 papers, including journal and conference contributions. Additionally, she has participated in several research and development projects with public funding and companies.


Dr Iñigo Gabilondo Cuéllar

Ikerbasque, Biocruces Bizkaia HRI

Dr Iñigo Gabilondo is a MD and Ikerbasque Reserch Fellow at Biocruces-Bizkaia Health Research Institute. His current research line is centered around visual neuroscience and neuroimaging applied to the identification of biomarkers in neurodegenerative diseases. He has previous research experience at IDIBAPS, University of Deusto, University of California, San Francisco, and the  NYU Langone Medical Center. He has written three books about brain damage and multiple sclerosis. 

Dr Ismael Díez del Val

Hospital Universitario de Basurto

Dr Ismael Díez del Val is the Head of the Esophagogastric and Bariatric Surgery Section of the Basurto University Hospital, and the coordinator of the Esophagogastric Surgery Section at AEC. He specializes in oncological and laparoscopic surgery. He has experience in international health cooperation having published several books and carried out international projects on the subject. He has collaborated extensively with doctors without borders.


Jorge Garcia Condado

Biocruces Bizkaia HRI

Jorge García Condado is a Cambridge graduate engineer specializing in both Information and Computer Engineering and Bioengineering. He also holds an MRes in Information Health Engineering from the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Currently, he is a “La Caixa” Doctoral INPhINIT Incoming fellow doing his Ph.D. at Biocruces Bizkaia HRI. He researches machine learning, brain networks, and neurological disorders. He aims to help clinicians diagnose and distinguish mental and behavioral disorders by using AI. 





Welcome from AI4MED Talk Series

Demystifying Artificial Intelligence (Jorge Garcia Condado)

In our current society, AI is poorly understood yet very present. During his talk, Jorge García Condado will introduce the world of AI in medicine in a dynamic approach. By covering a wide range of topics from machine learning to computer vision  to ethics, the audience will not only deepen its understanding of AI, but also reflect on its current use and its future in healthcare.


Potpourri of practical cases using machine learning in biomedical research (Dr. Jesus M. Cortes Diaz)

Have you ever wondered how AI is applied in the field of medical research? Dr. Jesus M Cortes leads the Neuroimaging Computational Group at Biocruces Bizkaia HRI and has ample experience in applying machine learning to solve problems in the medical field. He will showcase the power of AI in research through examples of their work.


IOMED an Industry Experience (Javier de Oca)

Only 15-25% of hospital information is structured, yet the remaining data is highly valuable. IOMED offers an AI powered natural language processing solution to this problem. The CEO of the company Javier de Oca will talk about how IOMED came to be, what they do and where the industry is headed.



Keynote (Prof Mihaela van der Schaar)

Prof Mihaela van der Schaar is John Humphrey Plummer Professor of Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Medicine at the University of Cambridge. The future of AI in medicine is now and she is leading it. In 2021 she had in total 27 papers accepted to the four most prestigious conferences in the world (NeurIPS, ICML, AISTATS and ICLR). She will showcase the work her lab has carried out to move the field forward and lay out her vision for the future of AI in Medicine to inspire the next generation.


AI Innovation in the Hospital (Dr. Manuel Desco Menéndez)

Dr. Manuel Desco is not only an engineer and clinician but also an experienced innovator. He has authored 30 patents and coordinated the Spanish platform on Technological Innovation in Hospitals (ITEMAS). He will talk about the resources available and how you can get involved and start innovating with AI and more in the hospital. 


Round Table: AI in Medicine

Experts Dr. Vanessa Gómez Verdejo, Dr. Ismael Díez del Val, and Dr. Iñigo Gabilondo will be discussing and debating what clinicians want from AI technologies, whether AI should be taught in the future in the medical curriculum, and the ethical implications of these new technologies. They will each be sharing their views, ideas and opinions from different perspectives.

Anchor 2

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