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Valencia 2023

Empowering All Healthcare

Valencia, Spain (UCV - Virtual Hospital)

Av. de las Jacarandas 2,  Burjassot, Valencia (Metro - Emplame)

March 4, 2023

In-person & Online

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Nuria Oliver

Ellis Alicante Foundation, Vodafone Institue, DataPop Alliance

Nuria Oliver is a computer scientist. She is the director of the Ellis Alicante Foundation, Chief Scientific Adviser at the Vodafone Institute, and Chief Data Scientist at DataPopAlliance. She holds a PhD from the Media Lab at MIT and is an IEEE fellow, ACM Fellow, eurAI Fellow and elected permanent member of the Royal Academy of Engineering in Spain. She is one of the most cited female computer scientists in Spain, with her research having been cited by more than 23,000 publications. She is well known for her work in computational models of human behaviour, human computer-interaction, mobile computing and big data for social good.

Julian Isla

Foundation 29

Julian Isla is a social entrepreneur as the co-founder of Foundation 29, a NPO focused on how artificial intelligence can empower people to make decisions about their own health, based on the evidence provided by data and supported by automated interpretation systems. He is a software engineer by training and works as Resource Manager for Artificial Intelligence group in Microsoft. Julian is also the Chief Scientific Officer of the European Dravet Syndrome Federation and a member of the Orphan Drug Committee at European Medicines Agency (EMA) as patient representative.


Dr Tania Fleitas Kanonnikoff


Dr. Tania Fleitas Kanonnikoff, is an oncologist and INCLIVA researcher, focused on esophagogastric tumours and the principal investigator of the AIDA project. Tania is a Doctor of Medicine and Surgery from the FCM-UNA (Paraguay), specialised in Medical Oncology at the Hospital Clínico y Universitario La Fe in Valencia and received her doctorate from the Autonomous University of Barcelona with honours, since then she has worked as medical oncologist and researcher Joan Rodés, at the Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia.

Dr Kirill Veselkov

Imperial College London

Dr. Veselkov is a group leader in Computational Medicine at the Department of Surgery and Cancer of Imperial College, UK. He focuses on developing computational/AI methods that can make a difference in data-driven global health and disease. In collaboration with Vodafone Foundation, Dr Veselkov is currently leading and managing DreamLab-DRUGS and CORONA-AI projects - one of the biggest citizen science projects with over 250K engaged users. Kirill has received a World Economic Forum (WEF) Young Scientist Award, and served on the WEF Global Agenda Council on the Future of Computing.

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Francisco Rangel

Symanto Research

Francisco, has a PhD in AI and is the Chief Product Officer of Symanto Research and General Director in Spain, a company that applies AI and psychological models to help better understand the needs and motivations of people based on their expression of emotions and their personality. Together with Juan Carlos he founded Corex, a company dedicated to building knowledge-based solutions for the medical field through the application of AI and natural language processing. Francisco is also a member of the advisory board of the Spain AI network and leads the network in Valencia.

Juan Carlos Martinez



Juan Carlos is the CEO and Commercial Director of Atribus, an active listening tool aimed at clients with needs to obtain information in the digital field. Together with Francisco Rangel he founded Corex. Juan Carlos is President of the Association of Private Health Professionals and Medical Clinics of the Valencian Community (ASAPCV) and Treasurer of the Association of Internet Companies and Professionals of the Valencian Community (AVALNET).


Erik Isusquiza

ULMA Medical Technologis

Erik Isusquiza is the head of software at ULMA Medical Technologies, where he continues to help ULMA realize its vision of creating solutions based on Artificial Intelligence for the early detection of various diseases. Erik has experience in medical imaging, data analysis, medical device certification, and project management.

Oscar Pastor

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Oscar Pastor is a Full Professor at the UPV (Technical University of Valencia) and Director of Transfer and Internationalisation of the Valencian Institute for Research in Artificial Intelligence (VRAIN). Winner of the Peter Chen Prize in Conceptual Modelling in 2016, he currently leads a multidisciplinary project that links the notions of Information Systems and Bioinformatics, aimed at designing and implementing tools for the interpretation of Human Genome information based on Conceptual Modelling.



Welcome from AI4MED, AVALNET and ASAPCV


Opening by Juan Ignacio Torregrosa López [Spanish]

Director general for the advancement of the digital society from the Ministry of Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society of the Generalitat Valenciana


Empowering patients with their data (Julian Isla) [Spanish]

Foundation 29 wants to empower patients by generating tools that allow them to own their medical data in order to generate health outcomes. We are still far away, as a society, to leverage all the potential of patients’ data. That is why they want to create and build expert systems that capture data in a transparent and automatic way, so that the analysis allows users to enhance their decision-making capacity. 


An Artificially Intelligent Diagnostic Assistant for gastric inflammation (AIDA) (Dr. Tania Fleitas and Dr. Kirill Veslkov) [English]

The AIDA project seeks to develop a multidisciplinary assistant that uses artificial intelligence to identify patients at risk with inflammation that precedes gastric cancer, recommend personalised treatments and perform follow-up according to the patient's profile, in addition to offering the patient a platform to monitor their health.


From Home Sapiens to Homo "Genius": Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Personalized and Precision Genomic Medicine (Oscar Pastor) [Spanish]

The possibility of understanding, interpreting and manipulating the genome from a scientific dimension opens up possibilities never before approached by the human being. Deciphering the Language of Life can turn us into a hominid with capabilities never before explored. The application of Explainable Artificial Intelligence techniques applied to personalized genomic medicine is here to stay. It is the responsibility of this "Sapien" turned "Genius" to make humanly intelligent use of this enormous scientific and social challenge.


TRL+ Bridging the gap between research and society


Coffee Break and Networking (Sponsored by UCV)


Comprehensive AI-based solution for the automatic screening of Diabetic Retinopathy (DR), from idea to the development of a marketable product (Erik Isusquiza) [Spanish]

Within the field of ophthalmology, at ULMA we have developed a comprehensive solution consisting of a non-mydriatic retinography for capturing fundus images, a digital health platform for the efficient management of the DR screening process, and an AI algorithm capable of automatically detecting in a few seconds the presence of DR in fundus images.


Artificial Intelligence for Early Detection of Mental Health Problems (Francisco Rangel and Juan Carlos Martinez) [Spanish]

The COVID-19 pandemic has represented and still represents the greatest threat to physical health in modern times. In turn, the fear of the unknown and the real repercussions of the virus has had a very negative impact on the mental health of people around the world. To analyze this impact, at Symanto and Atribus we have monitored millions of conversations on Twitter in real-time, analyzing this large amount of data using psychological models trained with artificial intelligence and deep learning techniques.


KEYNOTE: Data Science against COVID-19 (Nuria Oliver) [Spanish]

Data Science against COVID-19 is the work of a multi-disciplinary team of 20+ volunteer scientists between March of 2020 and April of 2022, working very closely with the Presidency of the Valencian Government to support their decision-making during the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain. Take a deep dive into the lessons learned in this very special initiative of collaboration between the civil society at large (through the citizen survey), the scientific community (through the Data Science against COVID-19 taskforce) and a public administration (through our collaboration with the Presidency of the Valencian Government).

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